вторник, 27 октября 2009 г.

Not Eudora's Favourite Place

Couple of days ago I emailed pictures taken in Jackson back in 1994 to Suzanne Marrs (Eudora Welty's excellent biographer) and asked if by some chance this was the Greek restaurant which Eudora Welty liked so much. The answer was great and funny. Suzanne wrote: "The pictures you attached were taken at Denery's Restaurant, and that was not Eudora's favorite place. She preferred Bill Burger House (aka Bill's Greek Tavern). There is a story about Dennery's however. It was this restaurant that refused to seat two rather long-haired students that Eudora took there. She and the two boys left, and she never returned".
Well, even if I knew the story back in 1994 the choice of the restaurant was not mine - I was the guest of Pastor Bill Gover and other members of Christ United Metodist Church. And I am certainly grateful for the great dinner and the connection to Eudora Welty!

среда, 14 октября 2009 г.

The notes are done in pencil and it was special to get to see the books which Eudora Welty read.

Books by Anton Chekhov in Eudora Welty's House

Touring the house I asked about the books by Chekhov. The list had about 30 items - almost every good translation of the Russian Writer printed in the United States since 1920. Wow! Some books are covered with Eudora Welty's notes. She did read into them!

Eudora Welty sure loved books. They are everywhere in the house. I was told that there were even more - some had to be removed to the storage. Everyone who wanted to sit down at Miss Welty's house had to move books to make room.

пятница, 9 октября 2009 г.

Tour of Eudora Welty House

It just worked out that way that the only day I could visit Eudora Welty's House was on Wednesday, September 9th. It was only that evening that I realised that the date was pretty special 09/09/09. The visit was special too. It is certainly one of the highlights of this year for me. Mary Alice White, the niece of Miss Welty, was really hospitable. She spent some time visiting with me and we had a picture taken. Here it is. I am very grateful to Mary Alice who by now retired from the position of the director of the House and feel very blessed that I met Mary Alice in person two weeks prior to the retirement.